This is the loveliest time of year for an artist to wander the countryside and look and find a simple pond with reflections. Recently around Folsom I had the chance to come upon a neighborhood pond. So, it was just so tempting that I grabbed my travel watercolor box and brush and quickly sketched a simple line drawing and a few minutes after I had taken several cellphone photos saw the natural things that make a pond scene interesting. No wildlife was there just then but my artist's license allowed me to add a couple of ducklings and a bunny near a bush for fun and give a size relation to trees and shrubs! We can choose such when we are in natural settings! An artist needs to pick and choose what works for the composition rather than painting too much! Simplicity works best for most any art piece! I had a wonderful experience painting this morning and plan to try again tomorrow. Rain is forecast so we shall certainly have a gray day and the light will be much different, somber, and wet looking?? So, a challenge to an artist to show a wetness in the habitat that was bright and sunny the day before! Can I, do it? I got to try!