Notecards Available at J J Jackson's and Other Locations

NEW: J J Jackson's... Commercial Street in Nevada City, Notecards has winter sets of boxed cards for sale.

Ben Franklin in Glenbrook Shopping Area is still selling my notecards and usually has the largest selection of Seasonal cards and postcards. .

In Downtown Nevada City, Nevada City Chamber of Commerce, Main Street ...

In Grass Valley, on Mill Street. Foothill Mercantile. Seasonal Notecards and Postcards

In Sierra County,. Bassett's Station 100 Gold Lake Road Seasonal notecards and postcards..

This website with its Evergreen online store is also available. If all other sources fail to have what you are looking to a watercolor scene of your home or notecards, magnets, paintings and prints you can come visit me in my studio, but please call first for an appointment. 530 265-4112.